miércoles, 6 de febrero de 2013

Rality of Young People!

The reality of young people in Guatemala.  Well, first we must know that Guatemala is a young country (70% of the population is under 30 years old).
The reality of young people here, in Guatemala, is pretty much decided by the conditions and the region you are born in.  Probably many of them will receive an elementary education, then only two or three out of ten would enter high school.  Most of the young people suffer of malnutrion and violence--59% of violent deaths occur to young people.
In Guatemala only 6% of young people enter college, the rest work in the streets or immigrate to the United States (19% of young people don’t study or have a job).
An average young woman in Guatemala has her first child at the age of 20. Then she may continue having another child every year.  Families here in Guatemala are made up of about six to seven siblings. 
One big problem young people go through is that Guatemala does not have many jobs opportunities, as it has people wanting a job. This is why they end up working in the streets or become members of a gang. It is sad to see that in Guatemala only 6% of young people enter college, while in Mexico and Chile 40% of them go to the university. Young people are the ones that can make a change or a difference in our country, but they need opportunities. I think it is a big challenge for future generations to make opportunities for themselves. I believe it is in our hands to fight for these opportunities in order to change our reality.

1 comentario:

  1. Good!! however you didn`t use the strategies correctly
    Punctuality: 10/10
    Essay: 20/30 Your introduction and conclusion is not clear
    Mechanics: 15/20 Watch spelling, punctuation and grammar
    Strategies: 5/20 Only one is correct
    Deepness: 10/20
    SCORE: 60/100
